Tuesday, October 11, 2011

The Race is On...and it's Toby by a Butt

So we were told, pretty much under no insinuating circumstances, that we both WOULD be getting sick on our adventure. Not malaria sick or any other illness that is completely avoidable here with fore thought and planning, but the kind of sick that comes form introducing our patsy tummy's to a new cultures cuisine. (note: at no point in my writing will I ever subject you the reader to the "D" word. We know what it is and it is a legitimate illness, so quit snickering.) Well I'm not really worried about it. Never have been and won't start now, for 2 reasons. 1. We are prepared to tackle the inevitable and 2. I know my wife, and she will be getting it first, so I will just take care of her and see how bad its gonna be.

Accepting the fact that we WOULD be getting sick, we both naturally assumed it would be in Nairobi, but we were still trepedacious while eating at the resort. The kind of careful that has you eating only at the resorts 2 restaurants and monitoring the check list given so freely by our travel advisers (friends and family) before we left. You know the items...things like no exposed vegetables or fruit, nothing less than piping hot, nothing opened outside your line of sight, etc.

Day 5 (of 6) I couldn't be happier with the culinary adventures that we have had. The food is fantastic and fantastically prepared. Certainly worthy of any restaurant in the States, and not one iota of issue.

Time to up this anti a little. Lets go down the beach to Mangis! tsk tsk tsk

We got the fresh calamari salad (two words that should be red flags) and I got the "American Burger". Couldn't be safer than that..and delicious? My word these items were heavenly to taste. Sure I don't remember any burger I have had at home crunching ever 3-4 bites, and the graininess must just be residual sand, we are physically on the beach after all.

Next morning it came. Our last full day to spend at the resort and my stomach has a vice grip being squeezed by an angry midget...not nice. So there we are with the roles reversed as my lovely bride dotes on me with Imodium and Aleve, makes me tea, and goes to breakfast solo. To further expedite the misery, at some point the day before our TV began only broadcasting one channel...from China.

Thank God it is pouring rain outside eliminating any chance of leisure anyhow, and thank God for hot showers.

I am now across the property on the second floor open aired restaurant (where we can actually get an Internet signal) alternating sips between tomato juice and bottled water and watching nature unload sheets of rain on the Indian Ocean. It really could be worse.

I just can't believe I got it before her.

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